Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Assignment 2 Opportunity Report and Pitch

      Assignment 2  Opportunity Report and Pitch       KEY  IN FOR MA TION Due date                          Refer to the Learning Management System Weighting                        65% Relevant chapters            1     9 Assessment format          Report (Submit .doc/.docx format) and 5-Minute Presentation Length                             3,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and…

  • Design ALU

    You may refer to external sources as well and site them. Prompt Design and build a simple CPU on Logisim and write programs that can run on it. you can download Logisim by following this link: http://www.cburch.com/logisim/download.html Your design will go through four phases: Phase One Start by building an 8-bit ALU using Logisim. This…

  • Literature Review

    Your task is to write a literature review on one topic relating to Business Teamwork and Collaboration. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: Effective Communication (in person, online, across multiple locations and diverse teams) Motivation & Engagement Emotional Intelligence and Growth Mindset in the Workplace Cultural Intelligence (culture, gender, diversity) Working across generations and diverse teams Managing…

  • Discussion Responses

    1.  The need for change of scope could definitely need more time and or funding. The stakeholders must be told and told the truth. If circumstances caused it, such as weather, or even incompetence. The truth out helps find a solution. Where ever the incompetence occurred should be confronted, and measures to correct it should…

  • Proofread

      Instructions In Unit 5, you learned of the value of networking.  There are many ways to identify your network of contacts. One way is through the use of a mind map.  The attached worksheet provides you with a mind map template you can use to begin the identification process. This is only a first step…

  • Change Control Form

    This assignment is part of the ongoing case study project introduced at the start of the course. Complete this portion of the case study using the accompanying outline template provided in Blackboard. The Case Study Project is not a collaborative effort. All assignments should be completed individually. Instructions: SCENARIO: The case study project you have…

  • Discussion

    Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, view the Variation 1: Introduction and Quartiles video by clicking the image below (Links to an external site.). In this video, the professor discusses how sometimes what is interesting about a data set is not its average but how much it varies. He compares the weather in New York and…

  • Managing And Healthcare

    How are new safety initiative introduced into your organization?

  • Section 404 Compliance

    Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Quantitative and qualitative research methods are mostly contrasted as representing two distinct worlds. In the quantitative domain, qualitative study is perceived chiefly with suspicion. It is considered lightweight since it engages small samples, which cannot represent the wider population. Present the most current version of your research question and state…

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