Dissertation topic: Mental Health Counseling: Counseling Education Supervision (CES) working with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Draft: Topic, Background, Need, and Purpose – Secondary ReviewSecondary Review This assignment includes review by a secondary reviewer to ensure the work meets doctoral expectations for writing, content, connection to the specialization, scholarship, quality, integrity, and ethical compliance. Secondary review is both an essential program expectation and important opportunity for learners. A hallmark of doctoral learners, in particular, is openness to critique and responsiveness to feedback. Like any scholarly endeavor (such as a journal article, book chapter, or dissertation), the dissertation will benefit from the integration of feedback from a reviewer and a process of ongoing revision at each stage of development. Learners may also reasonably expect to incorporate revisions and refinements of components of earlier completed signature assignments as they advance through the program to ensure the coherence and alignment of their completed project. A doctoral-level project should, therefore, be viewed as a work-in-progress that is not completed until the final Dean review and approval is issued. Instructions For this assignment, submit the topic, background, discussion of the need and purpose of the study.In 5–7 pages (added to your topic and background), provide information on the need and purpose of the study by including the following information: Need In this section, provide: A clear articulation of how the study relates to the current literature. A discussion of the gaps (areas for further research) through a description of the findings from the research literature An explanation of why this topic should be investigated. Purpose In this section, provide: A detailed description of how the study will add to the knowledge base. A discussion explaining how addressing the need will aid the wider community of interest. Additionally, include a 25 minimum of references in this version of your work. No less than 3 years old. Additional Requirements Your assignment should be prepared in APA style and also meet the following requirements: Written communication: Employ effective academic communication skills in a manner consistent with members of the counseling profession. References: All references should be no more than five years old. Format: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Include a title and reference page along with page numbers, headings, and running heads. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points. Length: 5–7 pages, in addition to Topic and Background of the Study sections. Carefully review the scoring guide to make sure you understand and are completing all requirements. Note that Distinguished grading requires performance beyond that noted in instructions. Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information. Rubic grading chart Draft: Topic, Background, Need, and Purpose – Secondary Review Scoring Guide Due Date: End of Unit 6 Percentage of Course Grade: 8%. CRITERION-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDIncorporate or address feedback provided on previous drafts. 13%Does not incorporate or address feedback provided on previous drafts. Incorporates or addresses some of the feedback provided on previous drafts. Incorporates or addresses feedback provided on previous drafts. Incorporates all of the feedback provided on previous drafts. Articulate how the study relates to the current literature. 18%Does not describe how the study relates to the current literature. Describes how the study relates to irrelevant, outdated, or insufficient literature. Articulates how the study relates to the current literature. Clearly articulates how the study relates to current, relevant, and topical literature. Discuss the gaps through a description of the findings from the research literature. 15%Does not discuss the gaps through a description of the findings from the research literature. Discusses gaps that are not fully supported by the findings from the research literature. Discusses the gaps through a description of the findings from the research literature. Analyzes the gaps through a systematic review of the findings from the research literature. Explain why the research topic should be investigated and how it will add to knowledge about the topic. 16%Does not describe why the research topic should be investigated. Describes why the research topic should be investigated but fails to describe how it will add to knowledge about the topic. Explains why the research topic should be investigated and how it will add to knowledge about the topic. Analyzes why the research topic should be investigated, specifically how it will add knowledge to the CES specialization and its importance to the field. Discuss how the need will aid the wider community of interest. 14%Does not discuss how the need will aid the wider community of interest. Fails to make clear connections between the need and its benefits for the wider community of interest. Discusses how the need will aid the wider community of interest. Discusses how the need will aid the wider community of interest and supports this with detailed examples. Apply APA style for in-text citations and references, with few errors. 12%Does not apply APA style for in-text citations and references. Applies APA style for in-text citations and references, with a number of errors. Applies APA style for in-text citations and references, with few errors. Applies APA style for in-text citations and references, with no errors. Write in a manner that is scholarly and professional, with no errors in APA, grammar, usage, or spelling. 12%Does not write in a manner that is scholarly or professional and has many errors in APA, grammar, usage, or spelling. Writes in a manner that is generally professional, with some errors in APA, grammar, is scholarly and professional, with no errors in APA, grammar, usage, or spelling. Writes in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, with no errors in APA, grammar, usage, or spelling.






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